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Product Image Sumatra Mandheling

Sumatra Mandheling

$ 12.49

Words to describe what emerges in a cup?  Rustic, deep, rich, heavy though weightless, intriguing in taste and body.


origin: Sumatra

region: Northern region
farm: Small producers
altitude: 800 to 1,500 meters
varietal: Sumatra Arabica
proc. method: Dry
drying method: Sun dried on clay patios

We believe our Sumatran coffee embodies the 'earthy' taste one expects to find in this region as well as an appreciation for a 'less is more' mentality while processing the beans. While these beans must be hand sorted, over picking for a certain look can negate in quality. Our cup offers exactly what one hopes to experience in a Sumatra; a full bodied, flavorful, diverse, low acidic, often noted as peculiar taste that makes the bean from this tropical Indonesian island one of the world's greatest romance coffees.